scanner and pleasure seeker

This is the reality that online publishers scanner and  deal with, so we disguise our nuggets of wisdom in approachable formats and clever analogies. But that doesn’t mean you should read it that way . If you publish online at all, you’ve probably seen someone leave a comment that clearly shows they don’t read or understand your content. It’s even more painful when someone writes a responsive post that clearly misses the whole point of the original article. It happens to all of us from time to time, but you don’t want to be one of these people consistently.

levels of reading

Superficial reading is just that, you just read. You don’t industry email list ponder, and you don’t stop to look things up. If you don’t get something, you don’t worry about it. You are essentially setting yourself up to read again at a higher level if the subject matter is worthwhile. Stopping at inspection reading is appropriate only if the material is not useful. Unfortunately, this is all the reading some people do in preparation for their writing.

industry email list

Analytical reading

It is said that anyone can become an expert Bj Lists by reading five books. That may be true, but how you read those five books will make all the difference. If you read these five books analytically, you will become an expert on what the five authors said. Reading 5 books synonymously will give you a unique perspective and expertise in this field. In other words, sympatric reading is not about existing experts. It’s about you and the problem you’re trying to solve, and in this case for your own readers.

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