The options I am considering to double billing this year with my e-commerce

The options I am considering to double billing .I’m not sure what the technical term for this part would be. The model that I am going to start with a person soon is this. She gives me money to buy stock and we half make the profit. It is not a loan or an investment in the company. It’s something different. Well nothing. These are the options I have right now. Soon I will start executing one of these options. I’ll tell you.


Right now I'm close to Christmas billing The options I

The options I am considering to double billing. There are products in the catalog that are sold in less than a week (some even less). Unfortunately, not all of them company data have the same rotation . Some take a year to sell. To continue growing it is necessary to continually expand the catalog. Some products will succeed and others will not. To do these tests you need liquidity . Apart from expanding the offer you also have to make sure that you always have inventory for those that are already selling. I know exactly what I have to do, but I still have the brakes on. 


My financing options to continue growing year with my e-commerce

Much of my billing still comes in through BJ Lists Amazon. Almost 3 years ago it was announced  that Amazon Lending was going to start in Spain in a matter of months. It is financing that Amazon offers, for example, in the US so that sellers can finance their purchases. Well, we’re still waiting… Bank credit line The thing of a lifetime. 

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