How to use the new version of Google Search Console to optimize your SEO strategy

How to use the new version of Google Search Console to optimize your SEO strategy. This post is a complete guide on how to use the new version of Google Search Console (former Google Webmaster Tools) and in it you will learn to analyze all the functionalities of this tool so that you can get the most out of it and understand well what can be done in each section. Due to the recent interface change , many users need to understand how the new version works and where they can find the features they usually used in the previous version. That is the purpose of this guide and I hope it helps you.

What is Google Search Console and what are the differences with the previous version

What is Google Search Console and what are the differences with the previous version. Search Console is the advanced and free application that Google makes available to you for advanced analysis and SEO optimization of your website that will provide you with very valuable information to improve positioning job function email list and SEO strategy in general. With it, you can analyze and execute all kinds of essential aspects and actions to monitor and optimize everything that has to do with the SEO positioning of your site.

How to register your website in Search Console

How to register your website in Search Console? To install Google Search Console on your website you have to go to the tool’s site here and then click on Start Now to log in with your Gmail account. If you don’t have one, create one in a minute here . Once inside, the first thing they ask you is if you want to add an entire domain or just some specific URLs BJ Lists or directories. Type (option on the left of the graph below) you must do so without including the http or https protocol or the trailing slashes (/).

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