What do you want to change in this blog

My acquaintances did not understand that I published “free” content and told me that it was a waste of time. Even some colleagues criticized me (behind my back, by the way) for “believing”. What do you That someone was going to read and evaluate my proposals. How things have changed, right? I don’t know if I have made many “mistakes”, it is difficult to know. But I can tell you that if I went back I would do many things differently in. The management of my blog and my presence on the networks. One of those things is having more contact and knowing the opinion. Of people who, like you, read my content, comment on it, share it and are even subscribed to the blog and have motivated me to continue. 

Even some colleagues

Is having more contact and knowing the opinion of people who, like you, read my content, comment on it, share it and are even subscribed to the blog and have motivated me to continue. ​By the way, we already company data have more than 14,000 subscribers, incredible. Thank you very much for being there, for reading me and for the more than 17,000 comments you have made on the blog alone. Well I do not roll it up again. After a decade “activating professional life”, as my slogan says, the time has come to decide what to do with this blog and I need your advice. You help me? I only ask you to answer briefly (or however you want) to a single question. My acquaintances did not understand that I published “free” content and told me that it was a waste of time.

What do you ago things

But I was going to start mine at 38 years old, after a long. Time working as a professional counselor and BJ Lists as a speaker for companies and organizations. Well yes, in 2006 a strange idea occurred to me: what if I started sharing on the internet what I do and how I do it? At that time I was not at all aware that without a blog you are digitally homeless, I spend all day on social networks 😉 But, be careful, it was not easy to take the step of opening the blog and, above all, maintaining it. Generating content requires discipline and elaboration and online visibility also generates a lot of criticism.

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