Discover how to increase your audience on social networks

Carla Salinas emphasizes that valuable content is that which awakens different Discover how to feelings. Therefore, and emotions, and moves the inner fibers. This can be proven in people’s interactions on your posts. Each “like”, each shared or. Therefore, saved content is a sign that it has fulfilled its purpose, as it has produced emotions in the person who has seen it. There is a type of interaction that we could say is the most important: shared content . When someone does it, it means that, in addition to valuing it, they think that other people should also see it.

Post on social media Discover how to and leave fear aside

Content that is truly valuable must meet two essential. Therefore, conditions: the first is that the topic must executive email list interest your audience; and the second, do something for her. To create valuable content that meets these two conditions, it is important to. Therefore, work with various methodologies. It is necessary to generate a buyer persona. In other words, a semi-fictional portrait of your ideal client.

Start creating valuable content

And to meet the second. Therefore, requirement, it is necessary to use cultural mapping, which BJ Lists is nothing more than a tool that relates the content created with what it does for your audience. But how do you know what content does. Therefore, something really effective for your audience? For you to understand it better, we have divided it into 5 categories.

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