Steps for the Transformation Towards Online Education

According to the United Nations Educational Organization (UNESCO). Steps for the Around the world there have already been more than 1.5 billion. Students currently unable to attend classes. These figures are equivalent to 91% of all students in a total of 188 countries. As a result, many education institutions at all levels have been forced to shift to remote teaching through digital platforms . In this article you will find 4 keys necessary to assume this change whether you are an educational institution, teacher or student.

Steps for the Benefits of Online Education

Even though distance education job function email list implies high responsibility. Dedication and attention, it is an excellent alternative for academic training. Some already specialized institutions have an educational platform where they make available to students a set of materials, evaluation activities, participation and feedback tools , as well as evaluations for the comprehensive development of the course. Typically these campuses have content planned for each week and include carefully selected digital resources and activities. However, not all educational entities have these possibilities and their priority in the face of contingency is ease of access for all.

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Ongoing Support and Personalized Support

Look for a personalized virtual environment. With the most BJ Leads appropriate resources for the courses you offer and with specialized support. So that your only concern is teaching quality classes. This point is resolved very easily by having a virtual campus that has everything necessary for teaching. The path from in-person to online is a transformation that. We have been experiencing for several years; However, given the advent of a global crisis that has forced us to isolate ourselves at home. The need to exploit and use technological tools to our advantage has become an obligation.

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